Industry Publications

Industry Publications

Authors: Frank R. Lin, James R. Pike, Marilyn S. Albert, Michelle Arnold, Sheila Burgard, et al.

Journal: The Lancet

Year Published: 2023

Key Findings: Over 3 years, in older adults at increased risk for cognitive decline, hearing intervention slowed down loss of thinking and memory abilities by 48%.

Authors: Frank R. Lin, Kristine Yaffe, Jin Xia, et al

Journal: JAMA Internal Medicine

Year Published: 2013

Key Findings: Hearing loss is independently associated with accelerated cognitive decline and incident cognitive impairment in community-dwelling older adults.

Authors: Douglas L Beck, Jedidiah J Grisel

Journal: Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research

Year Published: 2022

Key Findings: Article reviews the current knowledge related to cognition and audition and explores the practical reasons for incorporating cognitive screening into otolaryngology clinics, with specific regard to patients with hearing and listening problems.

Authors: Douglas L Beck, Sarah Bant, Nathan A Clarke

Journal: Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research

Year Published: 2020

Key Findings: Article discusses evidence concerning hearing loss and cognition and how it relates to people living with hearing loss and cognitive decline or dementia.

Authors: Gill Livingston, Jonathan Huntley, Andrew Sommerland, David Ames, Clive Ballard, etc al
Journal: The Lancet
Year Published: 2020
Key Findings: Confirmed data from 2018 report and added three new modifiable risk factors (excessive alcohol consumption, head injury, and air pollution). Modifying 12 risk factors might prevent or delay up to 40% of dementias: less education, hearing loss, traumatic brain injury, hypertension, alcohol, obesity, smoking, depression, social Isolation, physical inactivity, air pollution, and diabetes. Be ambitious about prevention.

Journal: NIDCD

Year Published: 2022

Key Findings:  A primary care provider is a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant who provides general health care to patients by identifying and treating common medical conditions. Primary care providers refer patients to medical specialists when necessary. Types of primary care providers include family practitioners or general practitioners, pediatricians, geriatricians, and internists.