
By visiting this page, you’ve taken an important first step in your hearing care. Below is some helpful information about hearing health, hearing loss, and the many treatment options available today.

If you haven’t had your hearing screened recently, complete our online screener.

Check my hearing

“I’m hearing my grandchildren so much better and it has made such a difference with my everyday life. I’m very glad I made the decision to get hearing aids!”

—Mary Ann R.

Hearing care should be an everyday thing.

Hearing health is an essential part of your overall wellness because it affects more than just your ears. Good hearing helps you stay connected with family, friends, and your community, supporting healthy relationships and social interaction. But being able to hear well isn’t just about staying social. Studies show untreated hearing loss can be tied to numerous health issues including cardiovascular disease, depression and even dementia.

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Hearing health is for everyone.

Hearing loss can happen to anyone, regardless of age. In some cases, it can happen suddenly to those overexposed to loud noises. You know – that ringing or buzzing you might experience after a rock concert.

In most cases, however, it happens slowly over a long period of time. This is often the case with age-related hearing loss, which is usually only noticeable as it progresses. Recognizing the signs of permanent hearing loss is an important first step towards helping you maintain a healthy and vibrant life.

Common signs of hearing loss.

• Trouble understanding others, or concentrating, in noisy environments

• Trouble hearing soft or high-pitched tones

• Speaking too loudly

• Preferring the volume on TV or radio louder than most people

• Difficulty hearing when someone speaks to you from behind

• People speaking may sound as if they are mumbling

• Having to ask others to repeat what they said

• The sound of ringing in the ears

• Difficulty hearing on the phone

Hearing loss treatment is different for everyone.

Hearing loss is unique to the individual. Some people require medical solutions and will be referred to an ENT if they fail a hearing exam. Others may benefit from hearing aids. Hearing aids are a type of amplification device that makes sounds easier to hear, and words and conversation easier to understand. Today, they come in many different sizes, types, technology levels, and cost. It’s best to work with an experienced, professional Hearing Service Provider to find the one that’s right for you.

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The high-tech world of hearing aids.

We know what you’re thinking: don’t hearing aids make people look old? There’s nothing old about today’s hearing aids. Modern technology has made them virtually invisible and loaded with amazing capabilities. Best of all, most insurance covers today’s high-tech wonders.


Hearing aids use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to adapt to the wearer’s surroundings in real time


Modern hearing aids are Bluetooth enabled and come with a free app allowing users to make adjustments quickly and discreetly


Thanks to the evolution of computer chip technology, hearing aids are smaller and less visible than ever before


Today’s hearing technology comes in a variety of styles, with options that suit the wearer’s hearing need, lifestyle and budget

Your doctor is here to help.

Because you’re here, it’s likely your physician is part of our nationwide network of physicians dedicated to making hearing healthcare part of your routine care. This includes:

  • Providing a complimentary hearing screening as part of your annual visit
  • Providing easy access to additional evaluation, if needed, at no cost to you
  • Simplifying the process of addressing hearing loss, if needed, such as selecting and fitting the hearing aids that are right for you
  • Verifying eligibility and benefits with your insurance company (many insurance plans now offer hearing aid benefits or discounts)

If you’re not sure your doctor is part of Physicians Hearing Network, contact your doctor’s office and ask if they are a member. Or complete the form and we’ll get back to you with an answer and help guide you on your journey to good hearing and better health.

Getting your hearing checked annually is as important as your other preventative health exams.

If you haven’t had a hearing screening in the past 12 months click below for our online screener and get your results in just a few minutes.